It was an almost perfect game with some issues.
It is one of the best concepts in gaming that you used: choice. To be able to choose what you do, when you do it, and if you will do what others tell you to or carve your own path. That's why the Grand Theft Auto series is so popular. You get to choose, whether you're a hardcore gangbanger, a motorcycle rider, whether you go good or go around commiting mass murder, and the possibilities are endless. Even games like Shadow the Hedgehog contain this concept. In Shadow the Hedgehog, you can be a good guy, a bad guy, or your own man. It's your choice what you become. That's why these games are so popular. It's like a life simulator(except more extreme and radical). You make a choice, any choice you want, then you can get a reaction. And how you react to that reaction creates another reaction(and so on and so forth), just like in real life.
The game was unique in its color and gameplay, and also it's controls, which i disliked for it's awkwardness, for which I took off a point. But in every other aspect, it was a perfect game.