Disappointing, but decent.
A lot of the point and click horror games are way to hard. Most of the time you need to go straight to the walkthrough to figure out what the heck to do. This si the case for this game. It's hard to find everything you need, and when you find an object, sometimes you can't use it, the flashlight(I could think of lots of places I could have used it), or sometimes, you can't even pick them up until you have to, in this case, the video camera. If you have a flashlight and your in a dark creepy HAUNTED HOSPITAL, where there are DEAD PEOPLE and GHOSTS, then your damn straight I'm gonna use the f*cking flashlight. But I can't. Congratz, a floating little girl with a nasty head wound just made me sh*t my pants.
The graphics were great. I like how you made it so that when your in the dark, it makes it look like an old fuzzy TV screen. The story was decent, although the ghosts asking you to help kill the person who killed them, in other words the whole "revenge from beyond the grave" thing is overrated.
And another thing: why didn't you put any hints for the power generator combo? I sat there for 10 minutes trying to figure it out, because I thought you would put something more challenging then 20 for the total, until I finally went to the walkthrough, and was like "WHAT THE F*CK?!". If you are going to do a horror point and click, or any point and clikc game for that matter, for us people who don't like the cheat, you have to give at least SOME hint for the puzzles that require adding or figuring out a code. Like you could of had a 20 painted in blood on the wall of something clichè like that. All other puzzles but the pentagraph were good. But how are you supposed to figure that out? You need the walkthrough to complete the pentagraph.
A lot of the people who make horror point and click games try to make the puzzles really hard and try to make it still scary. This often does not work. Us people who enjoy these "horror click flicks" are usualy looking for that: HORROR. We want the be scared and mystified, not frustrated because we can't figure out the puzzles! Make the puzzles easy to mediocre in difficulty, so we can still have a little challenge, but stil enjoy the horror moments. A game that is still easy-ish but is still fun to look at is Ghostscape. It's a fun horror game with a good story and easy puzzles.
Another person mentiond this, but I can't remember his name(or her, I'm not sure). I think it starts with a T. But anyway, he mentioned the textboxes, and he was right: don't do very many textboxes. They are distracting from the horror scenes. The dramatic scene with the little girl explaining that she had been killed by Doctor Octagonapus was killed by the textboxes. No pun intended. I'd recommend, like Mr. T(or Mrs. T) to do voice acting. This would make it a lot better, and less distracting.
I'm not even going to mention the music. It was just terrible. If there was any two things that killed this game, it's the textboxes and the music.
With all of the errors, glitches, and drawbacks, I'll stil give it a 8 because while it was a little dull and frustrating, it was still fun to play and had the horror effect still in it.